Thursday, April 28, 2011

So close

15 DAYS! There is 1 class, 4 finals, and 1 paper standing between me and Peru. I seriously cannot believe that I will be in Peru in 2 weeks! I have never been out of the country, sooo packing for this trip is becoming extremely difficult : / How am I supposed to choose clothes that I am going to be wearing a month from now in another country?! Haha, ok but really, packing is the least of my worries. I can't tell if I am more excited or nervous for this trip. Leaving Dan for 6 weeks is going to be the worst part of this trip! I know it is only 6 weeks, but still, we see eachother every day right now, so I am predicting that it will be very hard for me being away from him most of the summer! We will get through it though :) The best part about this trip...hmm...I think it will be the Incan Trail hike to Machu Pichu. Yeah yeah, I know that is what everyone probably says, but I am really looking forward to it! I am also very excited about speaking spanish with my family in Lima!

The other night a bunch of us from the trip got together and had dinner, so I got to meet some of the 40ish people that will be going to Peru with me this summer. They are all awesome! I am so excited to be sharing this experience with some great people and I am looking forward to getting to know them all better!

For now, I am packing, taking multiple trips to REI and feeling like a fool because I know nothing about camping/hiking, and spending as much time with friends and family as possible before I go. I am praying that God will keep me safe in Peru and will keep everyone that I love here safe while I am gone :) Ahhhh 2 weeeeekkssss, almost there!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Counting Down

Oh heyyyyy everyone! I am still counting down for the adventure in Peru this summer. Only 25 days and I am only minorly freaking out :) I have SO much to get done before I leave. I will write a ton when I am in Peru, but as for right now all I have to say is that I am very excited and I need to get started packing! Ah!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Counting Down...

Hola todos! Solamente 32 dias hasta voy a Peru y estoy muy emocionada :) I am super pumped to keep this blog to practice my Spanish and share my crazy Peruvian with everyone from home! If you can't understand some things that I write just copy paste it into Google Translate and there ya go :) Hopefully by the end of this trip I will be fluent in Spanish, but we will see. Anyway, thought I would start off the blog with a 32 day countdown! No puedo esperar!