Tuesday, May 10, 2011

3 days!!

Oh my goooooddnneeesssss. I am FINALLY finished with exams and have one last small paper to write before I am officially a senior and officially have PERU as the only thing on my mind :) I walked into my room about 10 minutes ago after coming back from the exam from hell and automatically went to open my backpack to pull out materials for studying--then I realized-- NO MORE STUDYING! yesss.


aaaand then I turned the corner and saw this massive pile sitting on my floor, just waiting for me to organize, pack, and make weigh less than 50 lbs each before Friday. Looking at this pile of random stuff is equally exciting as it is intimidating. First of all, HOW am I going to pack all that I need in 3 bags that are each less than 50lbs when I am going to Lima then to Cuzco then to the Incan Trails then to Lima then to Nazca then to Lima?! (Sounds confusing, but you will understand when I actually do it). Whatever, right now I am just going to lay in my bed with my window open and my music blaring, celebrating the fact that I just had 4 awful exams in 4 days and they are over :)

So, back to Peru. Enough of me complaining about my exams, more of me talking about getting ready for Peru...that is why you are reading this after all. My dad called me today to tell me that in about 72 hours I will be in ANOTHER COUNTRY! How is this even real! Tonight I am having a dinner date with my roomies Christine and Ravelle (Chilis of course), tomorrow I am getting lunch with Dan and Carey, hanging out with Amanda, dinner with the older Lipetzky siblings and visiting the rest of Dan's family afterwards, and on Thursday I am finishing up packing and then going home for my last night with the fam! So many goodbyes, so little time.
For the Incan Trails hehe :)
I have most of my hiking gear, as you can see I am well equipt with a sleeping bag for the hike! Pretty much any time I wanted to procrastinate from studying I would go through my Peru pile (thats what I call it now) and start packing things. Apparently Dan wanted to procrastinate too and packed me into the sleeping bag. Other than a few minor things, I am all ready and have spent as little money as possible! :) I wish all of you could come with me! *shout out to Nick Graham* and to all of my friends and family! Thanks for all of your support and I am going to miss you all this summer!!!

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