Sunday, May 8, 2011

5 days

So I am not very good at this blog thing. I read some other blogs and mine pretty much sucks, so all of you bloggers out there help me out! But anyway...

5 more days left in the US until I step on a plane and leave the country for 6 weeks. To some of you that may seem insane and to some of you it may seem like nothing, but to me it is HUGE. I went shopping the other day with my Peru roommate, Chrissy, and we spent $90 on random stuff for our trip...not the kind of money I was trying to spend on travel sized shampoo bottles, hand wipes, and socks. I am so excited to go on this trip, but this week is going to be a rough one...especially after my exams are over. Ha--that is a strange concept...a rough week after you finish the tests that you have been dreading for over 15 weeks. I am just pretty horrible at goodbyes, and since I will be saying goodbye to the most important person in my life for pretty much the whole summer I would have to say this would constitute as a rough week in my book. Other than that, everything else is AMAZING! On Friday night I had a bunch of friends over for one last goodbye before the summer and I have been visiting with other close friends as well :) Diane wrote me a letter to open on the plane with the words "Porque esto es Africa" all over the front. Even though I am not going to Africa, this letter means a lot to me considering I will probably be homesick the second I step on that plane! Love my friends :)

Seeing my family tonight made me even more excited/nervous to be in Peru! It doesn't even feel like I am about to leave, but I know I will be crying non-stop next Thursday when I go home for my goodbye dinner with the family (and Dan/Jonah of course). My grandmother wrote me a letter telling me good luck for the trip and it really meant a lot. It is great to know that I have people all over the country thinking about me for this summer!  Just have to get over that hump of saying goodbye and I will be in Peru having the time of my life in no time :)

Ok, so you all probably don't want to hear my pre-trip rambling, but then again you followed my blog...I swear it will be good once I am in Peru doing things that are amazing! So I guess I can be done procrastinating the studying I have to do for my two exams this week, but I will be back all of this week in preparation for lift off! (and hopefully improving my blogging skillzz)

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