Friday, May 27, 2011


Haha, so this is a random blog post...if you have not read the Inca Trail post yet, do ittt :) I just thought this was worthy of a blog post.

Soooo, you all know how Chrissy and I love Rafo and Carlos. They are SOO funny and SOOO kind, so we hang out with them a lot. The other day we had the best time teaching them English phrases. On the hike I taught Rafo what "beasting" was and what "in the zone" meant, he loves learning about these new words! Anyway, so the other day we were chillin with Rafo and Carlos and Chrissy's ipod auto-corrected a word to make it "whatchamacallit" She said it outloud and right after she said the word, Carlos and Rafo started trying to understand what the word was. This was the legit conversation:

Chrissy: "OMG I hate autocorrect, it changed 'whatcha' to 'whatchamacallit'
Carlos and Rafo: "What is dat?!"
Rafo: "What are you calling?"
Carlos: "What you are calling me?"
Rafo: "What call to me"
Carlos: "Watch me in college?"
Libby and Chrissy die laughing.....still laughing....laughing...ok: "Whatchamacallit!"

And then we taught them what it meant. They were so pumped about that word. One of the best moments of this trip, omggg so funny. We went on to teach them "homie" "bro" "pound it" and they taught us some Spanish phrases and words like "causa" and some word that means cool, but I can't remember.

Tonight is our last night in Cuzco// also our last day with Rafo was today :( Chrissy and I cry whenever we think about it! We love him, he is our best friend! So is Carlos! I wish everyone could meet them, they are two of the nicest people that I have ever met.

I will update with anymore funny stories like this :)

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