Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vanilla Twilight

Sooooo....I'm FINALLY in Peru! We arrived in Lima at 7am this morning. We were supposed to arrive last night at 11pm, but our plane had some landing problems which were not realized until 30 mins into the flight! We had to fly in a LEGIT CIRCLE around the Atlanta airport for 2 straight hours so that we could land with a light enough weight. Basically wating fuel and wasting time. We were all delerious in the airport, Eliza rolled on her skateboard down the hallway....oh yeah she was on her back. We dealt with a mean waitress and then we were back on the plane at 11:45pm to HERE in Lima! And that is how I got here :)

Right now we are sitll at the airport waiting to board the plane that is coming at 11:45! (We are one hour behind NC). I randomly found this free internet access and have never been more excited about something in my whole life!

Yesterday saying my goodbyes were so rough. I was pretty much the only one in our group bawling my eyes out. I said goodbye to Dan for six weeks and it sucked/still sucks really bad! I wish he was here with me :( I am making tons of friends though and having a good time, once we finally leave airports I think it will get a lot better :)

The best thing that has happened so far is that this morning around 5am we were flying over Ecuador and I watched the sunrise all the way to Peru. It was at its best moment when we were flying over Peru and it was rising right above the Andes mountains. SOOOO PRETTYYY!! I took tons of pics....which are still on my camera since I have not left the airport...but it was amazing.

Also, this song pretty much sums up my life right now with seeing amazing things and also missing Dan back at home, sooooo I decided to put a link on here. Also, it came on my shuffle while I was watching the amazing sunrise, so I thought it would be appropriate!

I miss you all so much and I can't wait to see you in 6 weeks!!! :) I will update again as soon as I can! Everyone add me on skype! :):):)

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo CRAZY that they messed up the flights so much! But hey at least you're finally in Peru! I'm loving the blog! :]
