Sunday, June 5, 2011

En espanol

I am going to write this in Spanish mainly because I am bored and have nothing else to do, but also because I need to practice. Sorry if my Spanish sucks. For those of you who want to read in English, just pass the Spanish part and I will write it in English at the bottom! Oh yeah also I dont know how to do accents on this computer

Bien. Ayer fuimos al mercado en Surco se llama "Polvos Rosados" y este mercado tiene cosas para un precio MUY barrato! La cosa que yo me gusta el mas sobre este mercado es las peliculas que venden! Tienen  casi todo DVD que puedes imaginar y el mas caro que yo vi era solamente 4 soles..aka un poco mas de $1. Muchas de las tiendas alli tienen 3 DVDs para solamente 10 soles! Ahhh, yo compre 500 Days of Summer, Life as we know it, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter 7.1, Water for Elephants, Tangled, Kings Speech, Morning Glory, y How I Met Your Mother season 6 para solamente 38 soles....que es casi $13 en los Estados Unidos. Voy a regresar porque me gusta peliculas!

Anoche, algunas personas en nuestro grupo trataban ver Pirates del Caribe al cine, pero fue en espanol y muy caro. Por eso fuimos a Larco Mar y bebimos "smoothies" y hablamos hasta medianoche. A ese momento, Chrissy, Hannah, y yo tocamos un taxi a la casa y miramos Water for Elephants hasta como 2 de la manana! Ah muy tarde! No tengo mucho sueno aqui, pero anoche yo dormi hasta 10 de la manana.

Hay muchas diferentes entre Americanos y Peruanos. Por ejemplo, el concepto del tiempo es mas diferente aqui que es en los Estados Unidos. Personas aqui  generalmente no planean cosas para el dia, pero se ponen la ropa para cualquier cosa...este es porque ellos son siempre en ropas buenas! Tambien, caminan muuuyyyyy molesta mucho, pero a ellos es normal. Otra cosa que es diferente es el trafico. Los carros en la calle SIEMPE son "honking"! Ay dios mio, no me gusta! Hay MUCHOS CARROS en todo el parte y no sigen las reglas de la calle. Es muy extrano para ver. El desayuno es mas diferente aqui tambien...pero un diferente bueno! ME ENCANTA DESAYUNO AQUI. Hay pan, mermelada, juevos, jugo, te, avacado, jamon, ahhh mucha comida y todo es deliciosa! Yo como mucho en Lima, mucho mas que yo comia en Cuzco.

Si pues, este es todo para ahora! Hasta luego :)

Ok yeah so I don't even feel like rereading that haha so ffor all of you Spanish nerds out there, that is why I have grammar mistakes! So I promised I would rewrite all of that in English...

Ok. Yesterday we went to this market in Surco called "Polvos Rosados" that has things for really cheap! The thing that I liked the most about this market was the movies that they sell. They have almost every DVD you can imagine and they are only like 4 soles which is like 1 american dollar. A lot of the stores there have a deal of 3 DVDs for 10 soles! I bought 500 days of summer, life as we know it, sherlock holmes, harry potter 7.1, water for elephants, tangled, kings speech, morning glory, and how i met your mother season 6 allll for only $13. I am def going back soon to get more movies.

Last night, some people in our group tried to go see Pirates of the Carribean at the movie theater, but it was only in Spanish and very expensive, so we went to Larco Mar and had smoothies/ talked until midnight. Then, Chrisisy, Hannah and I took a cab back home and watched Water for Elephants until about 2 in the morning. So laaatee. I dont get enought sleep here, but last night I slept until 10 this morning.

There are a lot of differences between Americans and Peruvians that I didnt know of before. For example, the concept of time here is different from the United States. People here generallly don't plan things for their days and get dressed as if anything could happen, that is why people here are usually dressed nicer. They also walk verrryyyy slowly here. It bothers me so much, but to them it is normal. Another thing that is different in Peru is the traffic. The cars ALWAYS honk. oh my goshhh. There are so many cars everywhere and no one follows the rules of the road. It is very strange. Breakfast here is different, but a good different. I LOVE BREAKFAST HERE. There is bread, jelly, eggs, juice, tea, avacado, ham ahhhh so much food and all of it is so delicious. I eat more in Lima than I ate in Cuzco for sure!

Ok yeah so that is all for now! I will blog more when I do something exciting :)


  1. I was really excited that I understood the Spanish version. Do that more often! Glad you're having more fun. It was so good to hear from you yesterday! :)

    Ahh miss/love you!

  2. Same here! I was like woahh! I can understand spanish still! Glad that you are having fun in Lima!! :]

  3. yayyyy spanish posts!! keep them coming :) also, all those movies for $13?? You really are the compradora ;) miss youuuu, love youuu, write again sooonnnnn!
