Friday, June 3, 2011

Here comes the sun :)

Oh hello everyone! So guess what! IT HAS BEEN SUNNY THE PAST TWO DAYS HERE! I never realized how much I am affected by the weather, but since the sun has been out I have liked Lima a whole lot better :) Yesterday was a great day in Lima and with my host family! Chrissy and I settled things with our American host sister and we really like her! Our mom has been spending a lot of time with us and we have had a lot of conversations with our other host siblings! Our favorite in the hose is Cha-Cha...our doggy! He is our best friend! Camilla is the parrot and we hateeeeee it! hahaha it thinks its a monkey I SWEAR! Gaaah it is screeching as I type right now ....

...Anyway, so yeseterday we woke up and it was completely sunny and beautiful outside. Breakfast is the best meal of the day here and we had class an hour later than usual, so the morning was already off to a great start. We got to school and noticed all of the flowers and palm trees all around (we had not noticed this in the cloudy weather). We ALMOST skipped class, but we went like good kids :) After class Eliza and I took a nap on the grass overlooking the ocean! Our school is on this huge cliff that overlooks the beach and the Pacific, it really is beautiful when it is sunny :) After class a bunch of us went to Chilis for favorite yum. I got some ribs and I was a happy camper!

After lunch Chrissy and I decided to go home so that we could spend more time with our host family. Our mom was getting ready to go on a date to the theater so we plopped down on her bed and talked to her while she got ready! I was really excited to spend some quality time with her :) After she left we got on our computers for a while and just layed around. This weekend is election weekend and therefore there is a "dry law" where no one can sell alcohol for the whole weekend! We went to the Wong, our grocery store, got some wine, chips, and delishhhh salsa and came back home to eat dinner then watch a movie and work on some homework! We drank a little bit and watched Shawshank Redemption, ah so good. Then we busted open the chips and salsa...OH MY GOD. So good I am about to go buy more because we ate it all!

So yeah, overall a great day :) Nothing as exciting as Cuzco, but good in a different way. We are going to Nazca in less than a week and I am super pumped about that! More updates to come!

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