Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hasta Luego Peru!

My last blog post! How sad is that! In about 2 hours we are going to leave our home in Lima and head to the airport for our 12:40am flight to Atlanta! I really don't know what emotion I am feeling right now! I am happy to be going home to see my family, friends, Dan and everyone! But at the same time I am so sad to leave Peru!! We finally got settled in here and I am just not ready to go. I am so thankful for this experience and for everyone I have met and got to share it with. I feel like I have grown a lot over the past 6 weeks. You only get a few life changing experiences in your life and this has been one of those for me. I have met the most AMAZING people and had the most UNBELIEVABLE experiences here, most I am not even able to describe. It has been an emotional roller coaster and I have definately become a more independent person due to this experience. I have also become more confident in Spanish and just in general. The friendships I have made here are irreplaceable as are the memories!! I am SO excited to have a group of 40 great friends to go home with! We have had so much fun and bonded SO much as a group, I wouldnt change anything about this great trip!

Some things from the trip:

The two most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life....the sunset on the 3rd day of the hike when we were over the mountains and the STARS on the hike. I want to see something like that again SO BAD!

I have met the most genuine kind hearted people here in Peru than I ever have met in my entire life

I have learned that taking a crap in the woods is really not the worst thing in the world

I will probably never eat rice again....

I am SO thankful that I do not live in a place where car alarms go off all of the time, if I ever hear another car alarm again I will probably scream

I KNOW that I will go back to Cuzco one day!

And soooo many more things, but right now i have to leave for the airport! This might not be my last blog post after all, but for now HASTA LUEGO PERU! :-)

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