Wednesday, June 1, 2011



Lima still sucks. Sorry that I am not having the time of my life here, but I mean I am blogging about my actual experience, not lying about one. Lima is cloudy all of the time, it is polluted, smells like smog, and there are SO many people who for the most part are REALLY dumb. You will literally be walking down the street and a bus will drive down the street with a guy screaming at you to get on. And then about 20 more follow that and by the 21st you just want to scream and punch the next person you see because along with the guys on the busses screaming at you there are cars that dont stop when they are supposed to, honking and car alarms everywhere, a thick, grey smog line that drives you insane, and stupid people whistling and screaming at you on every corner. Lima is NOT NOT NOT my kind of place. I don't even feel like I am studying abroad here. I feel like we studied abroad for 2 weeks, then came to some random nasty city to take classes. We are leaving in 30 mins to walk ALL THE WAY back to our school for an all day tour of Lima with Carlos, so hopefully that will make me appreciate the city a little bit more. If not, I have no idea how I will survive the next few weeks.

On Thursday we are going to Nazca for a 5 day trip and let me tell you...I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE EXCITED FOR ANYTHING IN MY WHOLE LIFE. Really. I am dying for an experience like the first two weeks of this trip. It is hitting me now that Cuzco is actually over and no matter how much I would love to do all of that stuff again, I am stuck here in Lima. Nazca will be AMAZING. :) We are going sandboarding, and going to see the Nazca lines! I am super excited about Nazca because it is sunny and we will be with everyone again.

Sorry to be complaining, but this place makes me so annoyed. I will def. suggest in my evaluation that they spend more time in Cuzco and less time doing nothing in this nasty city!

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