Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ok, I take it back...a little bit..

Plaza de Armas...look its the sun! :)

aaahhh so much fun

Ok sooooo we just got back from our tour around Lima and I have to say, I enjoyed it. I knew I would, I am pretty sure that I am just not a fan of the area where I live. We visited the Plaza de Armas, some museums and churces, and this fountain park which is in the Guiness book of world records! The museums were actually pretty interesting, other than the sexual pottery which was so weird and hillarious because we are all actually 10 years old and cracked up the whole time. Seriously, I want to post a picture of some of this stuff, but I wont. You guys would be laughing too! We also went to this church which was kind of boring, but I was thankful for it because we were actually doing something rather than just sitting around in the smog! The weather was probably one of the major factors of my happiness with Lima today, it was nice and sunny and we actually saw BLUE SKY!! We got so happy and started to take pictures of it :) Chrissy and I are making up a rap about our host family (inspired by Sir-smoke-a-stoge) and we were singing that like the whole bus ride it was so funny. The most fun part of the day was at the fountain park! There are all of these fountains and it is in the Guiness book of world records! A lot of us ran into the fountains and played, I got completely soaked, but it was totally worth it. Once again, we all realized that we are actually 10 years old and we were playing tag in the fountains ahhh so fun :) At dinner I ate a french fry that I was almost positive was soaked in butter, so Chrissy, Carlos and I ran to a pharmacy to get some Benadryl, but I didnt even have a reaction! I was so scared and I felt bad for making Chrissy and Carlos come with me, but I guess better safe then sorry? I tried rubbing ice cream on my arm to make sure I am still allergic to milk, but nothing happened! AM I CURED?! I want to try something with milk in it and test it out, but I will wait until I get home for all of that. was a great day after that last blog post and I am glad that I got to experience the nice and fun part of Lima :)

1 comment:

  1. LIBBY DO NOT TRY MILK! hahah are you trying to give us back home a heart attack?? I'm glad Lima's getting better, though, that's a good sign...and I'm super pumped to hear about Nazca and see all your picturess!! Hope you're enjoying the trip down there right about now :) miss youuuu, love youuuu, keep updating!!
